XR Extreme Reach provides multiple solutions for uploading creative assets to your account. Whether you choose to upload assets via our Media Uploader Application or through the XR platform, all files must meet the specifications in this document before they can be accepted.
File Naming
The file name should be the Ad Code with the file extension at the end.
(ZYWX9876000H.mov or ZYWX9876000H.mp4)
- File names can only contain letters and numbers. No special characters or spaces.
- HD (16:9) file names should end with an “H”.
Keep file names to 12 characters or fewer to avoid potential rejections.
File Size
- Maximum 5 GB for uploading through the XR platform directly.
Digital Video and Audio Configurations
Social Video and Audio Configurations
Content Layout
A valid slate is not required. Only the commercial is required.
You must provide the Title and Ad-ID of the creative if XR will be uploading a non-slated asset for you.
- Assets must be frame accurate.
- No pre or post-roll is required, such as black, hold, or freeze.
Duration | Example Timecode |
30" | 00:00:00:00 - 00:00:29:23 |
If providing an asset with the slate, it must adhere to the layout for TV specifications.
Standards and Practices
Audio Levels
ATSC RP A/85 and ITU-R BS. 1770-3
Target Loudness level should be -24 LKFS +/- 2LU
Maximum True Peak -2dBTP
Any content that does not conform to the -24 LKFS loudness level mandate will be automatically normalized to meet the loudness requirement.
The normalization will adjust the overall audio level to meet a -24 LKFS loudness aim with no impact on the dynamic range.
True-Peak level should be below -2 dB TP
To avoid any potential rejections from digital destinations, we recommend keeping true-peak levels below -6 dB TP.
Safe Area
SMPTE ST 2046-1
90% is the specified title-safe area for a linear feed; XR recommends maintaining within 93% for all pertinent content in your digital video to contend with various landscapes and devices. Digital assets will be allowed up to 100% for creative placement without rejection by ER.
More information on Digital Video and Ad Serving
Any questions?
Contact us at support@extremereach.com or 800.324.5672 for a more personal discussion regarding your workflow and needs.