Your message is more than just an ad. It’s a way to raise awareness, to get time-sensitive information to people in critical situations and to help make a difference when it matters most. Featuring the world’s largest TV ad delivery network, our cloud-based platform is measurably faster, more reliable and more efficient than any other.


Extreme Reach has a database of PSA Directors and Community Affairs Managers at TV destinations to get your PSAs in the hands of the people who can best understand and implement your message. We also maintain a database of TV destinations that run PSAs, so you can focus on sending your PSAs to the people most likely to run them in the first place.

Deliveries Page

AdBridge lets TV destinations search solely for PSAs and prevents your PSAs from being crowded out by spots. Your PSAs are also accessible as long as you want them to be, and our kill notice gives you control over exactly how long that is.

Proof of Delivery

Using our cloud-based digital delivery system, you’ll know exactly when your PSA was sent. But we go one step further and show you when specific TV destinations download your PSAs to give you extra insight into just who may be running them.

Fact Sheets and Background Documents

To add more impact, include fact sheets and/or background documents that connect with the people who receive your PSAs. When station personnel read your story firsthand, they’re able to better understand your message.

Service Beyond Compare

We’ve hand-selected our Sales and Account Managers, Operations, Video Network & Support teams and even our Software Developers based on their experience and reputation. The Video Network & Support teams have an average of 12 years of experience in the industry and can proactively look after your account, your PSAs and your campaigns with an expert eye. No guesswork, just answers.

Bringing It Together

AdBridge is built to sync up all of your needs. From a single login, you can deliver PSAs to TV and every digital screen. It’s the same, 1-2-3 streamlined workflow for every screen. You can quickly deliver, pull or change any creative in a matter of minutes.

For top-notch service, total reliability and streamlined TV PSA distribution, no one comes close to Extreme Reach.


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