As the world’s largest TV ad delivery network, we also send PSAs to media destinations. Our high quality, cloud-based technology delivers PSAs in your preferred file format, using AWS S3 Delivery, Aspera, our Media Downloader Application (MDA), your FTP server or the Extreme Reach web-based platform.

Getting Started

If you’re not already receiving PSAs from Extreme Reach, simply contact the Video Network team at or 800.958.0066 to get started.


Receive automatic notifications when new PSAs are available through Extreme Reach (example below). If someone else on your team needs to receive PSA delivery notifications, we can add as many additional recipients as you like. Just contact us at or 800.324.5672.

Downloading PSAs

  1. Find new PSAs by going to PSA Deliveries within your Extreme Reach account.
  2. To view a low-res proxy of the PSA, click on the Preview Proxy icon for that PSA in the Actions column.
  3. To download the broadcast version of the PSA in your preferred format, simply click on the Approve icon in the Actions column. If you are set up to use one of the download options, the file will deliver to your download folder automatically.
  4. To download the PSA manually, click on the Download icon in the Actions column after you approve it and the PSA finishes preparing for delivery.


Any questions?

Contact us at or 800.324.5672 for a more personal discussion regarding your workflow and needs.


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