Luca FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions for Luca

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Where Do I Enter a New Bank?
On the left side, click on Setup > Bank > New Bank:



How Do I Load Payroll Files?
Click on Payroll > Edit, Audit & Post:


Then click on Load Payroll in the upper right corner:


If the Load Payroll button is greyed out, then there are no files available to load at this time.


How Do I Perform a Ledger Update?
Click on General Ledger > Ledger Adjustments:


Enter the Transaction Number or Transcation Number Range that you would like to filter after and click on Search:



You can then edit the various columns directly on the grid. Click on Apply Changes when you are done, and then Save to update the ledger.



You can also use the bulk change tab to update multiple lines at once. Enter the current input and the new, then select Apply Changes when you are done, and Save to update the ledger.


Where do I Enter a New Vendor?
Click on Vendors > Vendors Setup then select on New Vendor in the upper left corner:


Proceed with entering the appropriate information. The fields marked with a red asterix (*) are required in order to save the vendor:



How Do I Run a Cost Report?
Click on Reports > Cost Report. Select the appropriate filters and then run a report:



How Do I Create Batches?
Click on Setup > Batch and then select New in the upper right corner. You can also create batches for PO, AP, Petty Cash and Cards directly in their entry screens.


How Do I Access The Cost Worksheets?
Click on Budgeting/Costs > Batch and select Cost Worksheet or Cost Consolidated Worksheet. Then click on the pencil icon to begin making changes:


The worksheet will then load:


The Cost Consolidated Worksheet is  appropriate if you have multiple episodes, locations, or currencies and want to combine them all into one report.


How Do I Set a Budget For a New Account?
You can set a budget by using the Bulk Budget EFC Entry or by using the Cost Worksheet.

The Bulk Budget EFC Entry can be accessed by clicking on Budgeting/Costs > Bulk Budget EFC Entry:


Click on Add BudgetEFCChange and select the account that was created. Fill in the Budget and and the remaining fields if applicable.


How Do I Add an Account To Chart of Accounts?
You can access the Chart of Accounts module by clicking on General Ledger > Chart of Accounts:


To insert a header account, right click on an existing header and select Insert Header. For a non-header account, select Insert Accounts:


To create sub-headers, the project will need to be modified to allow three (3) break levels. Please contact support at if you would like to enable this.


How Do I Perform a Bank Reconciliation?
You can begin the Bank Reconciliation process by clicking on Payments > Bank Reconciliation:

Click on Add Record and enter the appropriate information:


Code: Can be month and year of the bank reconciliation.
Bank: Select the bank
Statement Date: The bank statements ending date.
Beginning Balance: The first statement starts with 0. Subsequent bank reconciliation should have the the prior bank recs ending statements as it's beginning balance. For example, March 2023 would have a beginning balance of $150000 in the above example.


How Do I Run A Ledger List Report?
You can run a ledger list by clicking on Reports > Ledger List Reports or by clicking on General Ledger > Ledger List Reports:

Click on Add Record and enter the appropriate information:


How Do I Enter a Purchase Order?
You can enter a Purchase Order by clicking on Purchase Order > Entry:

Select your Company if you have multiple companies setup, as well as the appropriate Batch, Period or Effective Date and Currency. Select the Vendor and fill in the remaining fields. Click on Save in the upper right corner to save the Purchase Order.


How Do I Enter an Accounts Payable (Relieve a Purchase Order)?
You can enter an Accounts Payable by clicking on Accounts Payable > Entry:

Select your Company if you have multiple companies setup, as well as the appropriate Batch, Period or Effective Date and Currency.

Select the Vendor and the appropriate PO number in the dropdown menu. Enter the appropriate Invoice NumberAmount and Description. 

Fill in the distribution lines. You can tab or right click and select Insert 1 Blank Row to create additional distribution lines.

Finally, enter the Payment Information and click Save in the upper right corner to save the transaction.


How Do I Process a Payment?
Click on Payments > Process Payments then select the payments you wish to process and click on "Create Payments":


You can filter by Bank, Vendor, Pay Due Date, Batch and User Name.

Confirm that the correct vendor and payment number(s) has been selected:


Click on Print Payments to proceed.

The check/check(s) will appear in a PDF format:


Please verify that the checks were printed properly on your printer before posting the payments. The original check can not be re-printed after posting the payments to the ledger.

To re-print the payment, select the checkbox and click on "Re-Print Payments":


Once satisfied, click on Post Payments and a confirmation screen will appear:



How Do I Import a Journal Entry?
You can enter import a Journal entry by clicking on Journal Entry > Entry:


Begin by downloading the Template and filling out the appropriate columns. See example:


Fill in the Journal Entry description and select Import in the upper right corner:


The Journal Entry and distribution lines will then be loaded:


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