How do I change or adjust the search results view in CAM?

There are a few different ways in which search results can be viewed in ER's creative asset management module.  Each have their own benefits.  Here you will find an overview of each and how they work.

Tile View

The Tile View will display search results of your assets as individual thumbnails, giving you a great visual representation of each asset.  Tile View is great for quickly searching for video files and clips, photographs and other image files, PDFs, photoshop documents, logos and more.   Scrub through video assets directly from the Tile View to quickly and easily scan the contents of a video clip.


Grid View

The Grid View will display search results in rows of data.  Using Grid View is a great way view assets along with various metadata where, at a glance, you can easily view Titles, Lengths, Statuses, Keywords and more.  Further, the columns of data that are displayed are customizable per user.


List View

The List View will display assets in a simple, clean layout with basic columns of data that include Ad-ID, Title, Advertiser, Type, and Status. 


Search Result Settings

Just above the search results, you'll find a bar with some intuitive settings.  Here you can select the number of results to display per page, page through your results, export your search results to an Excel file, copy a search link to share with a colleague or toggle through the various search views as outlined above.


Clicking the gear icon will open a window where you can change default settings for your view.  Here you can also pick and choose the columns of data you wish to display. 

Note: column selection applies to Grid View only.




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