This article explains how to set a default uploader so you don't have to manually input the uploader for every order.


When placing a new delivery order there is a box called Who is supplying the media?  The email entered in here will be the person that receives an upload request and link to Media Manager

To have this field populated by default, you need to head to Settings  in the top right menu, where the profile picture is.

Head to Delivery Settings and you will now see a new box called Default Media Suppliers.  Enter in there the required email address(es) and click Save.



Head back to Delivery > TV & IPTV  and select New Order.   A new order will appear and you will be taken to the opening page.  You will now see that the Who is supplying the Media field is prepopulated with the email(s) from the delivery settings.

For more information see How to Place a TV & IPTV Order

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