
XR makes it easy to add and upload creative assets. We handle spot delivery based on each destination’s specifications. All files should follow the detailed specifications we’ve outlined to be accepted. ER specifications ensure your assets are seen and heard precisely as intended.

ER File Specifications and Guidelines

Get Started

Sign in to your account at app.extremereach.com.

Adding an Advertiser

If you have not yet done so, you must create an advertiser in the platform before uploading and assigning video creative.

  1. Click on the module icon (square tiles) in the upper right corner and select Administration.
  2. In the navigation menu on the left side of the page, go to Advertisers.
  3. Complete the top section of the page to add a new advertiser and click Add Advertiser.
  4. Your new advertiser will show in the list below, and all advertiser profiles will be on your account.
  5. Click the page icon under Action on the right to edit your advertiser details. The arrow icon allows you to share the advertiser.

Adding a New Asset

  1. Click on the module icon in the upper right corner, and select either the Traffic And Delivery, Asset Management, Ad Serving or Upload Module (depending on your access permissions).
  2. In the navigation menu on the left side of the page, select Add New Asset.
  3. Select the appropriate Advertiser from the drop-down list.
  4. Click Create Asset for a pop-up screen to add a new asset for the selected Advertiser.
  5. Choose the appropriate media “Type” for the asset before proceeding.
  6. Add details about your new asset: Ad Code, Title, Length, and File Type are required fields.
    (Skip steps 7-8 if you are not uploading a Video asset).
  7. High Definition (HD) offers additional attributes indicated in the gray box after selecting it.
  8. Indicate if Production Services are Applied or Need to Be Applied to the asset. Select Applied if you’re uploading an asset containing a service such as closed captioning or watermark encoding. Select Need to Be Applied if you want XR to apply a production service.
  9. Under To Be Uploaded By, select the correct uploader account.
  10. Click on the Advanced tab to reveal additional fields for more specific information.
  11. Click the Notes tab to include asset approvals for known issues (e.g., out of 16x9 safe, etc.).
  12. Click Add to Pending Uploads at the bottom to add the new asset.
  13. Once added, click the Create Assets button at the bottom to initiate the asset(s).

Uploading an Asset

Choose the Advertiser and click Create Asset to add an asset directly from this page.
Our Master File Specifications are linked in the upper right corner for easy access before uploading.

  1. In the left navigation area, select Upload Asset.
  2. Select the appropriate Advertiser from the drop-down list to populate specific search results.
  3. Click on an Ad Code directly to view its Asset Details page.
  4. Click on Select File to open the upload window.
  5. Drag & Drop your file(s) directly into the space provided or click Add File(s) to browse for them.
  6. You will be returned to the Asset Upload page and now have the option to start uploading or remove any assets attached, if required.
  7. Once an asset is successfully uploaded, the page will notify you and update the status.
  8. If necessary, click on Edit Asset for a pop-up screen to make updates or add asset details.

Common issues

  • Incorrect or missing slate information.
  • Metadata entered does not match the asset.
  • Pertinent video elements out of 16x9 safe area.
  • Asset incorrectly formatted or not frame accurate.
  • Voiceover incorrectly assigned for assets without dialogue.
  • Video levels not within specification for out-of-gamut.
  • Closed Captioning was prepared incorrectly.
  • Incorrect audio configurations.


Any questions?

Contact us at support@extremereach.com or 800.324.5672 for a more personal discussion regarding your workflow and needs.

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