Your Guide to Winning the Super Bowl with XR

XR is trusted by the world's leading advertisers to deliver their creative for the Super Bowl. As part of our commitment to our customers, the XR team will be on site to support the seamless execution of every commercial.

Here's everything you need to know to get your Super Bowl ad ready for air on FOX:

Notify your XR Activation Rep now
If you have an in-game, national ad running during the Super Bowl, send the following creative details:

  • Ad-ID/ISCI
  • Title
  • Length
  • Expected Upload Date

Important Requirements and Deadlines
Traffic Instructions

  • Deadline for traffic instructions to FOX is Monday, February 3rd at 12 PM PT
  • For XR Traffic services, please send to us before February 3rd

Ad Creative

  • Ads will be distributed to the FOX Television Network destination from the XR platform, including creative for the digital feed
  • XR will automatically format the file to meet FOX specs
  • All creative for Pre-Game, Pre-Kick, In-Game, Half-Time, Post-Gun, Post-Game, and Prime-Time must be closed captioned
  • Deadline for creative is Monday, February 3rd at 12 PM PT
  • Ensure your ad meets all XR specifications (see our Help Center article for specs)

Make sure your creative is finalized and ready to go by the deadline to avoid any last-minute issues.

For any questions, support or interest in exploring XR's new RX metric to measure representation across your Super Bowl content, please reach out to your Activation Rep.

Here's to a winning Super Bowl campaign that scores big on impact 

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